Welcome to
Advanced Catalytic Materials LAB
Chechia Hu's Group @ NTUST
We are recruiting the students pursuing their Ph.D. or master's degree, and also welcome the undergraduate students join us.

Congratulations to
(2023/7) 王俊堯,黃俊傑,李易霖通過 碩士班畢業口試! 畢業快樂!
Mr. Jun-Yao Wang, Chun-Chieh Huang, and Yi-Lin Lee passed their Master's oral exam.
(2023/5) 恭喜林宜萱同學獲得科技部大專生專題研究計畫!
(2020/8) 胡哲嘉教授轉赴台灣科技大學化學工程系任副教授
Prof. Chechia Hu moved to the Department of Chemical Engineering at National Taiwan
University of Science and Technology as an Associate Professor.
(2023/07) 歡迎黃森煥,黃敏樺,徐子容,許賀翔 joined our group.
(2021/08) Postdoc researcher Dr. Cahterine joined our group.